Rules and Regulations
All rules based upon the present USSF/FIFA Laws of the Game unless specifically mentioned in the following:
Rules Specific to SCACSL:
It is the managers responsibility that their team knows these rules!
1) Five touch rule
A player may only contact the ball five times before another player contacts the ball. The incoming trap is considered a touch, and the outgoing pass is considered a touch. The five touch rule will be left to the interpretation of the referee. Penalty for breaking the five touch rule is an indirect kick to opposing team.
2) No playing on the ground
No slide tackling or playing on the ground whatsoever. Even if there is no other player around. Penalty for playing on the ground is an indirect kick to opposing team.
Exception: The Goalie is allowed to slide in the goalie box.
3) "Macho" rule
If two players are going for the ball, the larger player may not use their size advantage to push, shove or act aggressively towards the smaller player. This will be considered a foul by the ref. It is up to the ref’s discretion, to make the call and the bottom line is that no one gets hurt. We are a coed league and there can be a considerable size difference between players. Remember to be courteous, this is a recreation league.
4) No charging of the goalies.
5) HOME team changes jerseys in the event that both teams have the same color.
6) "Mercy" rule
If by the end of the game one team has scored more than eight goals than the other team (i.e. 9-0, 10-1, etc.), that team forfeits the game.
Desirable Features of a Game
Willingness to accept referees’ calls.
Praise and encouragement for good play and effort.
Games played in spirit of enthusiasm and friendly competition.
Positive attitude of coaches and players.
Undesirable Features of a Game
Physical Violence will not be tolerated.
Vocal arguments with referees.
Failure to cheer and shake hands.
Deliberate delay of game when ball is not in play.
Interference from coaches and fans.
Avoid profanity -for the sake of players, referees, and children on the sidelines.
Avoiding Injuries
Play under control and within your abilities and skill level.
Proper conditioning.
Avoid collisions -- be aware of other players involved in the play.
Policy and Procedures
A team needs to have 7 or more players registered and pay the team fee by the deadline in order to play the season.
See home page for current fee and deadline info.
If the team fee is paid by the deadline, there is a $50 discount.
Each player must be registered at SportsCity, contact the registrar for more information.
Number of Players
Rosters shall have no more than 30 players.
Men: One player may be 21 or over; two players may be 25-30, the rest must be over 30 years of age at the beginning of their game (excluding a team that is formed for the Open Division). Women must be over 18 years old.
A fielded team shall consist of five men, five women and a goalie of either sex. Maximum of six men on the field at a time which includes the goalie; more than five women can be on the field at any given time; no restrictions on the amount of women on the field. Teams must have seven players with 2 women minimum to start the game at game time, or they forfeit. If the team is reduced to six players, the game is over.
Player Equipment
Shin guards are mandatory and must be covered.
A player shall not wear anything which is dangerous to another player.
Every player (except the goalie) shall have matching numbered jersey, matching shorts, shoes and socks.
If both teams in a game have the same jersey color, the home team must change their color or they may wear pennies.
The ball shall be a USSF/FIFA approved ball, provided by the home team.
Managers are to be identified to the referee.
Home team manager is responsible for supplying the roster sheet to the referee at the start of the game.
Only league sanctioned referees are allowed to officiate games.
If a referee does not show up for a game, the ref’s fee will be paid to any volunteer who steps in to referee. Note the name, and address of referee on roster sheet.
Method of Play
All games are to be two 45-minute halves, with no overtime, unless shorter game time is agreed upon by both managers.
Substitutions are allowed as follows:
Own team throw-in.
A goal kick.
An injured player - opposing team may substitute a like number of players.
After a goal is scored.
When a player is cautioned -- opposing team may substitute a like number of players.
No substitutions are allowed on corner kicks or stoppage of play on the field.
Forfeited/Canceled Games
In the event a team must cancel a game, if a 48 hour notice is not received by the Team Manager involved and the Referee Coordinator, the team forfeiting will be penalized $65.
If a game is forfeited at game time, the forfeiting team is fined $65.
If a team does not have the required number of players or team registration sheet 15 minutes after the scheduled start of game time, they must forfeit the game, and will be fined $65.
If a game is forfeited, the forfeiting team is fined $65, and the referee is obligated to stay and ref the game if both managers are in agreement to play.
If a game is ready to start and you choose, as a team, to forfeit, you may pick up players registered with the league in order to field a team and avoid the $65 fine. The game will be played under league rules, but no score will be kept.
There are no rules (laws) stating a team has to play a makeup game, however, if you schedule a makeup game, and your team is a no-show, forfeits or cancels by choice, these games will not be rescheduled and if there is no 48 hour notice, the proper fine will be assessed. This however, does not refer to makeup games that have been rained out.
If neither team gives a 48 hour cancel notice, the two teams are to split the cost of the fine.
Games canceled due to environmental circumstances (added Jan 2019)
Air quality:
League play will continue if air quality falls within the moderate to good range( 0-100 on the AQI Key) when tested the Friday before games. League games will be canceled Friday if air quality is above Moderate levels (AQI 100) on Friday before noon. Games will NOT be refunded to teams due to air quality since this is outside of league control. Games can be rescheduled during a time between managers and communicated to the board.
Rain-outs: If fields are closed due to rain, games will be automatically rescheduled on the league's make-up day. IF make-up day already has planned reschedules, managers have the option of rescheduling on an alternative date. If the league is unsure about field closures due to wet field conditions and questionable field quality, the cancellations of games will be dealt with by the league President. The league desire is for ALL games to be played and will try to remain open.
Registration/Adding/Dropping Players
Fees are to be determined by the Board of managers each year. Current league fees are $1000 plus $100 refundable deposit (2019).
If registration is paid by deadline, then there is a $50 discount.
$100 refundable deposit is to be used for meeting fines, game forfeit fines, etc.
No player may be on two teams at the same time.
Each player must be registered at SportsCity, contact the registrar for more information.
Teams may add players at any time during the season. The deadline to add a player is the Wednesday midnight prior to the next game.
Teams may only have 30 players maximum. If you wish to add more players, you must first drop the same number of players to stay at the 30 maximum number.
Penalties/Fines/Red Cards
If a manager is caught using a player (not registered), the team is fined $65 and the manager is suspended for one game.
Red cards are an automatic minimum one game suspension plus $65. Additional game suspensions to be determined by the disciplinary committee Two yellow cards equal one red card and result in an automatic one game suspension. An automatic one game suspension for a red card is not satisfied by a rain out and the player must miss a game actually played.
If a player receives two red cards in one season, that player is out for the remainder of the season.
Players involved in physical fights will result in a suspension from the league physical fights includes hitting, punching, kicking, head butting, wrestling, etc. The disciplinary committee may determine to suspend a player permanently.
If a team receives four red cards in a season, the disciplinary committee will review the case and determine what kind of disciplinary action to take. The committee will then make their recommendations to the board. The board will have the final vote on the disciplinary action to be taken.
If a team receives 5 cautions with in a season, the team’s code of conduct will be up for review by the disciplinary committee. A team fine could be applied up to $65 depending on the cautions given. This will be communicated to the manager of the team no later than Wednesday of the following scheduled game. (added Jan 2019)
If a team manager receives a red card during a season, the red card will be sent to the disciplinary committee. A managers red card, at a minimum, will hold an automatic 2 games suspension with a fine of $50. Disciplinary committee could determine a greater suspension or fine is needed and will communicate this to the manager no later than Wednesday before further games are played. (added Jan 2019)
Fees for red cards must be paid to league treasurer in order to get player cleared.
The registration sheet will indicate if a player suspended and when he/she is cleared to play.
An accumulation of THREE cautions throughout the season will be an automatic one game suspension.
All ejections are a minimum of one game suspension, pending review by the Disciplinary Committee.
Immediate substitutions required for any player cautioned -- allowed back on the field at that teams substitution time.
Managers can check with the disciplinary committee beginning on the Wednesday before the Saturday game.
Disciplinary Action
The disciplinary chairman is an elected position and a member of Executive Board.
Any manager may bring up any disciplinary problems, in writing, to the disciplinary committee for consideration (i.e., players actions outside of a game situation - before a game).
When the disciplinary committee meets to decide on the course of action to be taken for a red carded player, they must make every reasonable effort to notify that team manager by phone of their decision, with a follow-up by mail as soon as possible.
The team manager is responsible for picking up confiscated player pass from disciplinary chairman.
There are no protests, remember this is a recreational league.
Board Meetings
A representative from each team must attend every board meeting. In the event the representative is not present, a $10 fine will be assessed against the teams’ initial $100 refundable deposit. If you cannot attend a meeting, please send another representative from your team. Being late ten (10) minutes is considered an officially late and subject to a $10 fine. If a team manager calls prior to the Board Meeting to notify that he/she will be late, the $10 fine will be waived.
Board Meetings are the first Monday of the month @ 6:00 pm. Meetings are every month starting in January with the last meeting of the season in June, unless otherwise notified.
If a team has not paid their registration fee in full one week before the start of the season, they do not play.
If a team depletes their $100 deposit, they need to pay an additional $100 deposit if they wish to continue to play.
Miscellaneous Rules & Regulations
Absolutely NO ALCOHOL is allowed on any of the fields.
Absolutely NO SMOKING is allowed on any of the fields.
It is a misdemeanor to play on any field that has been closed.